We’re happy to accept returns for unwanted items, provided that they are returned within 14 days of receipt unopened, unused, and in perfect condition.For items that are dispatched using our standard service, we ask that you wait 14 days from the date of dispatch before reporting any items as undelivered.If your order contains items that are out of stock, we’ll ship the in-stock items as soon as we can and will dispatch the out-of-stock items as soon as we’ve received more stock in the warehouse.We don’t always ship everything together so check your dispatch email for more details - we’ll send you a dispatch email per parcel.We will email you as soon as each item is ready to be dispatched so you know when to expect them, but you can also check the status of your order in your account.Will you tell me when my order is on its way? All delivery options and any charges that are applicable will be shown at the checkout.Selected items are only available for delivery using Click & Collect to an hmv or FOPP store of your choice.Selected items are only available for delivery via the Royal Mail 48® service and other items are available for delivery using this service for a charge.
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Free delivery is available for most items when the order exceeds £20, but any exceptions will be clearly highlighted.When you place an order for an item that is fulfilled by Exertis, your details shall be forwarded to them so that they can fulfil the order, and to their courier so that they can deliver the item. Products labelled '*item fulfilled by Exertis on behalf of hmv' will be supplied to you directly by Exertis via their approved couriers.

The whole plot of the story before we go into a deep dive into it: Tyler is in. In this instance, we'll send weekly updates to keep you aware. Tyler, The Creator dropped his 5th studio album on May 17th titled: IGOR.